California Lane

California Lane Park has a playground, splash pad, basketball court, walking trail, and ponds. There is currently a big construction project underway to enlarge the pond to help drainage in the area. The park is still open during construction. 

The splash pad has various water features. To turn it on you tap the top of the yellow pole. Sometimes summer camps bring kids to the splash pad in the summer, so be aware that a large group could show up. 

The splash pad is free and open 10 AM to 8 PM every day Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day Weekend and only on weekends through September. Arlington recently redid their water quality reporting system. You can check the the most recent readings by following this link:

There is a pavilion with a few tables near the splash pad.

The playground was just replaced and is good for various age levels. There are two different pieces of playground equipment, one designed for younger kids and the other for older kids. The ground is rubber, which is perfect for going between the splash pad and the playground. There are some shades over the playground equipment and the trees nearby also provide some shade. However the edges do still get hot. It has swings, slides, and climbing obstacles. There are a few benches around the playground and throughout the park. 

They have restrooms located next to the splash pad. 

They have a basketball court and a walking trail that goes around the park. 

The splash pad definitely makes it more worth it during the summer!

Fountains are turned off in late November/early December and turned back on in late March/early April to prevent serious freeze damage.